The Final Week in the Lab, the End of an Era

Lab Updates and the Last Few Steps

It is with a heavy heart that this internship is coming to an end. In my final days in the lab, I am doing extractions and running gel electrophoresis. Additionally, I am doing a bisulfite conversion on all of my samples. After I am gone, someone will take my place to continue extractions, but also run pyro sequencing! I am upset that I could not be the one to do so, but that is a lot to accomplish in just a couple months. As stated in my previous blogs, I learned how to optimize protocols and troubleshoot. Within the past month, I finalized my cell-free DNA (cfDNA) protocol, finalized my cfDNA gel electrophoresis protocol, and finalized my cfDNA methylation protocol. Within the last week, I was able to troubleshoot a PCR & DNA Cleanup Kit to help optimize my samples for bisulfite conversion. This was helpful but not at the same time. The ratio is the same, but the numbers are a lot higher. It does seem to be a helpful step so we will be keeping this as a step for cfDNA methylation. 

In the office, I have been working on a peer review and preparing to do a poster presentation. I finished my first draft for my peer review last week. My PI, Marie Gaine, is helping me make edits and prepare my peer review to submit to a journal. This process will probably be carried out after I am done with this internship, but it will hopefully be published by the end of August or early September. This has been such a long process. I never knew just how much time and effort it takes to publish a paper. I learned a lot about different databases and how to screen thousands of articles. I also learned a lot about the writing process, editing process, and will learn so much about the publication process. Additionally, I have been working on my poster. I learned how to use BioRender, how to make posters “easy on the eyes”, and how to prepare for a presentation. Next week during the lab meeting, I will be presenting my poster to my labmates. During this, they will ask me questions that I will most likely be asked during the actual event, help me better my poster, and overall prepare me for my presentation. 

Alex working in the labAlex working in the labAlex working in the lab

Here are some more action shots from my wet lab work! These are a mix of extractions and part of my purification optimization.

Adventures Outside of the Lab

There is not too much going on outside of the lab. It has been unbearably hot lately making going outside not all that fun. I have officially gone to every boba shop in Iowa City with my labmate Kennedy! I’ve also been going to a lot of local stores just to check everything out. I plan on going to the Mines of Spain Recreations in Dubuque, Iowa, before I leave because it looks absolutely beautiful! Aside from that, I have slowly been packing to move out of my apartment and prepare for coming back to the Hilltop at Cornell. I am super excited to see all of my friends there and start my studies again. I will say though, I am really going to miss my apartment and working in the lab. I’ve created so many memories, learned so much, and met so many great people! This is definitely a summer to remember!

Group photo by one of the University's outdoor sculpturesTwo plastic cups of boba tea

Presentation Day! Filled with fear and fun followed by boba!