Tuberculosis Research at the University of Colorado - Anschutz Medical Campus

Jillian Drees '27 is working in a laboratory and growing skills to one day attend medical school, study pathology, and become a physician with Dr. Amy Keller’s diabetes lab at Anschutz Medical Campus of the University of Colorado.

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Meet Jillian

Jillian Drees

Jillian Drees '27

Hometown: Cedar Rapids, IA
Major(s): Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Minor: Russian

About me

I'm Jillian, a BMB major and Russian minor student thrilled to embark on an exciting internship journey. I was born and raised in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and I am a proud non-traditional student. I became a GED recipient at 21, and only started my first year of college at 22. I currently work in the Cole Library, but hope to use my eventual degree to apply to medical schools. 3 years ago, I never would have believed you if you told me I’d end up here, writing a blog about my internship for my college, but life can be unexpected like that.

What I hope to get from this internship

This internship offers a crucial bridge between theory and practice. I hope to refine my analytical skills, enhance my understanding of lab procedures, and cultivate a deeper appreciation for the intricacies of healthcare. Through hands-on experiences and mentorship, I aim to solidify my foundation in science, laying the groundwork for future success in medical school and beyond. I have personally always been a ‘hands on’ kind of person, and this opportunity to really put my skills to the test and learn while doing so will be amazing for me.